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Welcome to the Great Distraction Podcast

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Mar 27, 2019

In this episode we discuss the current conditions of poverty in America and take a look at some stats that give a clearer picture of how bad it currently is. We also talk about what efforts are being done to reduce the levels and help those in need.

Mar 20, 2019

We celebrate our 50th episode and we dedicate it to a conversation about California!

Mar 13, 2019

Implants in humans. Why not? We use them in our pets. They could make life so much more convenient by tying us closer to social media, allowing secure access to buildings at work our homes and our cars,  and eliminate the need to carry credit cards. They could also help create the ground work for a social credit...

Mar 6, 2019

How often do we take an opportunity to step back and take a look at all the things we carry with us everyday? Do we notice the unnecessary burdens we bear on a day to day basis that weigh us down and hold us back? In this episode we discuss the concept of lightening ones load in life starting with the physical and...